3D Art
Takes up space! Clay, magic glazes, red hot metal, & found objects.
Intro to 3D
Intro to 3D
Intro to 3D
Intro to 3D
Intro to 3D
Intro to 3D
Course Number: 01310
Grades: 9-12
One Semester
Introduction to 3D Art
Prerequisite: None
Students will learn concepts of visual communication through exploration of visual design elements and principles utilizing three-dimensional materials. Clay, plaster, and metal are some of the materials that may be used. Students will use line, texture, shape, etc. to create objects that show an understanding of form, mass, and volume. Students will study sculpture and architecture from historic and contemporary periods when appropriate. This course satisfies the district’s fine arts graduation requirement.
Course Number: 01330
Grades: 9-12
One Semester
3D Art 1
Prerequisite: Introduction to 3D Art OR Art 1
Students explore three-dimensional design concepts through media such as jewelry, ceramics, and sculpture. The course is an introduction to techniques in construction and processes in three-dimensional design.
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
Course Number: 01340
Grades: 10-12
One Semester
3D Art 2
Prerequisite: 3D Art 1
This second level three-dimensional art course focuses on both additive and subtractive methods of working on sculptural forms. Students develop advanced methods of casting, fabricating, and modeling through media such as metal, ceramics, plastic, and wood.
Course Number: 01350
Grades: 10-12
One Semester
3D Art 3
Prerequisite: 3D Art 2
This course centers on contemporary issues in design. Students are encouraged to search for personal approaches and solutions to creating a visual statement and explore new techniques in media such as jewelry, sculpture, and ceramics.
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
3D Art 1+
Course Number: 01210
Grades: 9-12
One Semester
Advanced 3D Art Studio
Prerequisite: 3D Art 3
This course progressively continues and expands on Three-Dimensional Art 3 and is designed for those students who completed the first three courses. In this advanced course, the emphasis centers on contemporary issues in 3-D design. Students will search for personal approaches and solutions to creating a visual statement and exploring new techniques in various 3-D media. This course is advantageous to students interested in AP Studio Art, the study of Three-Dimensional Art at the collegiate level, and/or the exploration of various career pathways in Three-Dimensional Art.
* This course may be repeated for credit *
Ceramics | Ceramics | Ceramics |
Metal | Ceramics | Ceramics |
Ceramics | Ceramics | Ceramics |
Ceramics | Ceramics | Altered Book |
Ceramics |