2D Art
Drawing, painting, printmaking, oh my! All things flat and awesome.
2D Art 1
Course Number: 01360
Grades: 10-12
One Semester
Prerequisite: Art 1
Students will search for personal approaches and solutions to creating a visual statement and explore new approaches in drawing, painting, printmaking, and mixed media.
Course Number: 01370
Grades: 10-12
One Semester
2D Art 2
Prerequisite: 2D Art 1
Students will continue to search for personal approaches and solutions to creating a visual statement at an advanced conceptual level utilizing drawing, painting, printmaking, and mixed media processes. This art course focuses on contemporary artists and issues in contemporary art and art history.
2D Art 3
Course Number: 01380
Grades: 11-12
One Semester
Prerequisite: 2D Art 2
Students will work to develop critical thinking in relationship to theories of aesthetics and explore art criticism regarding both student and professional art. Students will also focus on art as problem-solving and communication.
Course Number: 01200
Grades: 11-12
One Semester
Advanced 2D Art
Prerequisite: 3D Art 3
This course progressively continues and expands on Two-Dimensional Art. In this advanced course, the emphasis centers on contemporary issues in 2-D design. Students will search for personal approaches and solutions to creating a visual statement and exploring new techniques in various 2-D media. This course is advantageous to students interested in AP Studio Art, the study of Two-Dimensional Art at the collegiate level, and/or the exploration of various career pathways in Two-Dimensional Art.
* This course may be repeated for credit *